Parts – Am I Your Servant? Part 3
Ever been embarrassed by someone who always took on the jobs nobody else wanted, constantly volunteering for whatever comes along … even hard work. You feel scrounged because you assume that if you loved Jesus you would be more like them.
Welcome to the world of the ‘Server.’ (Romans 12:7) They run toward words we attempt to evade, like: assemble, complete, details, do, finish, implement, maintain, repair … you’re getting the idea. They even tend to read instructions for putting things together – every page!
These invaluable brothers and sister of the faith act as the ‘hands’ of Christ’s body. They serve with strength and joy. While we feel bad for them, it’s wasted emotion … they love doing what they do and were built by God for it.
These are folks who recognize practical needs and immediately move toward genuine helpfulness. You’ll find them serving at church potlucks and staying late to clean up. Ask them to come out of the kitchen to be acknowledged and they usually won’t. They’re not in it to be noticed.
We often take advantage of these wonderful workers for two reasons: one, they do really good work, and second, they have a hard time saying “No” to any request. They can easily be overworked and under-appreciated.
We all have burdens and responsibilities in our callings, but these incredible folks will try to make your job easier by coming alongside you if you need help.
Could this be your primary gift in your ministry tool box? If so, roll up your sleeves (Oh, I’m sorry … they’re already rolled up!) You have been faithfully fulfilling God’s call on your life and probably felt a bit less spiritual than others.
But you’re not! Yours is a key component that makes the Body of Christ function smoothly and efficiently. Here’s a verse of challenge for you Servers: “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might!” Ecclesiastes 9:10 NIV
Next week: The Teacher
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