If it weren’t for the miraculous conception, the surprise tour stop of heaven’s angel choir to a group of sleepy shepherds, the mysterious arrival of Eastern wise men or angel visits to both Mary and Joseph … the birth of Jesus would be just like the birth of any baby. But God didn’t orchestrate […]
Tag Archives: incarnation
The Gift
The memory is still fresh … even after thirty-nine years. For almost a month before Christmas I lived in the glow of a gift’s anticipated reception. I knew it was a gift my son wanted but assumed was too expensive. And the cost in 1974 dollars put some strain on the holiday budget […]
God In The Neighborhood
God In The Neighborhood “So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.” John 1:14 New Living Translation The Word became flesh, moved into the neighborhood and stayed. And oh, […]
Losing Yourself In Christmas
I can get lost in Christmas faster than you can drop and break a Christmas ornament. I lose myself in its majesty. I’m not sure how accurate a portrayal our church plays are. I suspect that the plastic baby Jesus and the eight year old wise men wearing their Dads’ safety-pinned bathrobes probably don’t do […]