Tag Archives: patience


Keep Standing

I’ve met too many people lately with the same story – things are ganging up on them. Too many spiritual battles, too many unanswered prayers, too many lingering health issues. There appears to be an epidemic of pressure that many are experiencing. So here is a twenty year old Fresh Heart devotional that you may […]

God's Good 'Suddenlies'

God’s Good ‘Suddenlies’

  God can and does move quickly when it suits his divine purposes. Some things take time … others don’t have time to resolve themselves. God’s watch shows only one time – ‘the fullness of time.’ That’s the time when everything is in the right place at precisely the opportune time for God’s plan to […]


Trusting God’s ‘Fullness of Time’ – Part 5

    With our mouth salivating over the thought of a warm piece of our favorite cake with a cup of coffee, we pull it from the oven fifteen minutes early and although it had every required ingredient in it and in the right amounts, those ingredients desperately needed just fifteen more minutes for perfection. […]


Trusting God In The Delays – Part 3

  The waiting rooms of life are filled with impatient people! We hate waiting for red lights, slow traffic, upcoming vacations, unhurried baristas, and mysteries that don’t reveal the culprit until the last page. We dislike waiting for Christmas when it’s only August and fuming as we wait to be connected to an actual person […]

How long?

The ‘How Long?’ Question

  Sitting by the hospice-provided hospital bed in the living room of friends, the wife looked at her failing husband as he fought life’s last battle … and asked a question she knew did not have an obvious answer: “He’s ready to go, but why does God delay?” Why, indeed. Throughout Scripture we find the […]